Wake Up Sid is a coming- of- age romantic comedy drama movie about Siddharth Mehra, a putrefied and idle college student who flees his home following a dispute with his parents. Aisha, an aspiring writer, ultimately teaches him to work hard and be accountable.
Ranbir played Kabir, a gorgeous and cool man who could govern the world if he wanted to. Girls crowded to him, and no dream was ever too far away for him. He journeyed the world in quest of his dream profession, telling himself that home was wherever his camera brought him.
Samar, the son of a political family, has determined to dislocate to the United States to live with his lover. even so, the loss of his father forces him to abandon his ambitions and embrace the debauched world of politics. Again, this is one of the best pictures of Ranbir Kapoor.
Ranbir Kapoor showcased an astonishing performance as a songster who's desperate for happiness. He was advised that in order to bring feelings to his songs, he should get his heart desolated in love. Inspired by the advice, he leaves no gravestone untouched and ultimately falls in love with Heer.
An inspiring movie about a person’s journey who has lost his edge in trying to act according to socially respectable rules of society, starring Ranbir Kapoor. The protagonist starts on a travel to discover his true tone in the midst of a competitive terrain. This movie is a must- watch.
This Hindi bio is grounded on the life of actor Sanjay Dutt. Born from a fabulous cinematic family, he's introduced to the assiduity by his outstanding father at a youthful age and rises to spectacular heights.
The film portrays the life of Barfi, a deaf and dumb youth. After being agonized by a girl named Shruti, Barfi forms a particular bond with an autistic girl named Jhilmil. still, a chance hassle with Shruti several months latterly causes old sentiments to resurface. One of Ranbir’s stylish performances in a film